How do I make a Public Records Request?
Send a written Public Records Request via email to legal@drordi.com. Send a written request via USPS to Office of General Counsel and Legal Services, 700 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115.
Who do I contact to get an official copy of my transcript?
For a copy of your official transcript contact the Registrar's Office or Campus Enrollment Center, 216-987-6000.
Who do I contact about a contract?
For a contract regarding the purchase of goods or services by the College, please contact Supplier Managed Services.
For questions regarding construction contracts, please contact Capital and Construction.
For all other contracting questions, please contact the Office of Legal Services by phone at 216-987-3974 or by email at legal@drordi.com.
Who is the College's lawyer?
All in-house legal matters are handled by the Office of General Counsel.
How do I get a copy of my child's student account or grades?
Copies of student accounts and/or grades may be released to the parent(s) of a student(s) who are “dependent” as defined by the Internal Revenue Service. A copy of the parents’ most recent Federal Income Tax return listing the student as a dependent must be submitted to document dependency. Please contact the Enrollment Center for the College Campus your son or daughter attends, or contact the Registrar's Office.
Where do I send a subpoena?
Subpoenas should be directed to the Office of General Counsel and Legal Services.
Where are your offices?
The Office of the General Counsel and Legal Services is located in the District Offices at 700 Carnegie Ave., Cleveland, OH 44115.